Post 52 | HDPCD | The conclusion

Hi everyone. Finally, we have reached the end of this tutorial series. It’s been so long. We started this journey together on January 15th, 2017, and, 276 days later this beautiful journey is coming to an end. But, we do not need to worry, because, I am working on something new and would love toContinueContinue reading “Post 52 | HDPCD | The conclusion”

Post 48 | HDPCD | Printing the execution plan of a Hive query

Hello, everyone. Welcome to one more tutorial in the HDPCD certification series. In the last tutorial, we saw how to enable vectorization in Hive. In this tutorial, we are going to see how to print the execution plan of a Hive query. Let us begin, then. This is one of the simplest tutorials in this certification series. InContinueContinue reading “Post 48 | HDPCD | Printing the execution plan of a Hive query”

The difference between float and double

Thank you. We all know float and double as the primitive datatypes of any programming language. But plenty of us still get confused regarding the basic meaning of these datatypes. In technical terms, float is known as the Single precision floating point datatype whereas double is considered to be double precision floating point datatype.  ContinueContinue reading “The difference between float and double”